Sunday, February 15, 2009


After having lunch this week with an old friend (jav <3)>

Things were tough when I was 18 but life was good. I was coping with my father's death and the laughable concept cegep, but I was loving life. Each and every pay check was devoted to concert tickets, cds and beer. Going to Cafe L'Inco and Foufs were staples in my life, and following the most obscure yet fantastic bands was friggin' awesome. On my way home from my boyfriend's grandmother's we were singing along to Protest The Hero, and a sudden wave of nostalgia hit me. The summer I was 18, although it was only 2 and a half years ago, feels like a lifetime away. I had just met my boyfriend, and we began a friendship, unbeknownst to us, would turn into a love so great I will never forget it. I went to Foufs every Thursday and exercised my womanly right to free beer. I had jet black hair, and yes, I dressed like a bit of an idiot, but care, I did not! I was constantly meeting new people and expanding my social circle, but never forgetting those closest to my heart.

BUT this wave of nostalgia was accompanied by a crippling realization: I'm growing up, and I don't like it. I am no longer in cegep, I am in university. This directly translates to: NO SOCIAL LIFE. Not only do I not have much time for outings, but I lack the cash. Money is a constant thought on my mind, and so is the future, which like most people, petrifies me. I don't want to decide my career path, and have people constantly asking me whether or not Ryan is "THE ONE". Plainly said, I want to make an ass out of myself and have fun. I know I'm only 20, and I know I'm still young, but things are changing, whether I want them to or not. In any case, this ranting and raving (which is starting to resemble lyrics to a blink 182 song) will not continue to bore you. It just needed to be addressed.


Monday, February 9, 2009

HELLO MOTIVATION; where have you been hiding?!

C average is UNACCEPTABLE! 
(I used yellow to highlight the importance of its unacceptable-ness.)

In my creative process class, the teacher returned our first assignment. We were told to interview someone creative, and to ask them questions regarding (you guessed it) their creative process. Had this been the only guideline for the assignment, I would have had no problem. But, since my teacher (being THE MOST VAGUE man on the planet) only specified that we should interview someone 'famous' (i.e. the person should have something published or showcased) but he did not specify an exact length of each answer and suggested anything less than ten questions would be too little. Therefore, I, who does not have the time to hunt down and interview said 'famous' artistic being, I decided to ask my bf's aunt, who is a phenomenal painter, to be my subject. Although she is a stay at home mother, she is a mother of four (11 being the oldest of her four children) she is busy, as am I, so I emailed her my TWELVE questions (two above the suggested number n'est ce pas?) My teacher stated on my paper that only 8 of the 12 questions were to his liking and did not reflect questions pertaining to her creative process (I quickly pointed out that one of the questions he considered unsatisfactory had the words CREATIVE PROCESS in the question. I digress) He also felt that certain answers could have been, and I quote, "probed more". I explained that the interview was done by email and that she is a busy woman. He agreed that only 1 of the 4 questions he accused to be "non-creative process related" was in fact so and raised my mark by 2 points, still leaving me in the C grade bracket. Needless to say I was pissed.

The second mark I received today was also a C. It was the mark for my first test in my Social Deviance course, which I love. I have absolutely no argument concerning this mark. I put off the readings (I read the third chapter the day of the test) and studied for only about two days. I completely deserve the mark I received and it is mostly through this grade that my motivation (or lack thereof) has had a fire lit under it and I am determined to be more focused this semester. Last semester was my first and I was extremely pleased with my marks and my GPA, so if I have a solid foundation, there is no reason why I should break it down. I should take this foundation and build on it, becoming a more responsible and dedicated student.

Tomorrow is my day off and I will be spending the day downtown (probably at Cafe Myriade) being a busy, busy bee! My mid term for Post 1600 British Literature is due on Wednesday and it must be gooooodddd folks. 

On an unrelated note, I am seeing a friend for lunch whom I have not seen in ages. I could not be more excited to spend the only break I am allotting myself, with him. Mucho laughs and catching up will be had.

I'm off to studyland!
Stay fresh y'all.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It was a sign...

I first heard about this website when I stumbled upon Chrissy D's facebook status. (2nd name drop in 2 posts lol) In any case, the more I read her posts, the more I wanted to release my creative energy as well, no matter how mundane or trivial. The post on Chrissy's wall that struck me the most was when she wrote of her grandmother's passing. I quickly offered her my condolences and told her she would be in my prayers. I then began reflecting over the biggest loss in my life. Something occurred this evening, a sign that I've been waiting for, for many years. In order to understand the sign, I must back track 3 years.

It was the summer of 2005, I had just graduated high school and was extremely excited to begin a new chapter in my life. Although I was unsure about studying Law and Society at Vanier, my father's faith in me (and lifelong dream of me becoming a lawyer) kept me in high spirits. It was not until August 11, did all my excitement, hope and innocence shatter with one phone call. My father had been killed. It is not a word I enjoy using, and it is not a situation that I always feel comfortable divulging to others, but it is through the knowledge and experience that I have gained throughout these past 3 years, I have learned to not let his past define who I am.  I loved my father dearly, but for many reasons, we were at odds with each other for many years. His lack of presence throughout my childhood left an indelible mark. 

As he began to rebuild his life into an incredibly respectable man, my parents decided to separate. My father acquired a "significant" other in a very short period of time and this caused the rift in our already shaky relationship to grow deeper. It was not until the summer of his passing did I begin to learn about the kind of person my father was. Although it felt odd to have to be with him on "dads weekend" and stay at "dads house" rather than OUR home, I enjoyed every minute we spent together. I finally started a relationship with him that was not based on money and shopping dates to make up for the time he wasn't around. We cooked together and did activities together and had deep conversations together. But we never spoke about the past.

If there is one thing I will ever regret, it would be that. Never having let him know the pain he put me through is something I will never have the chance to do. I'm positive he knew, but to have heard it in words, and not assumptions is a luxury I'll never have. I never had the courage to do it and most of all I never had the chance to tell him that I forgave him. He died thinking I still resented him and that hurts me everyday. But, I have been strong, much stronger than I ever believed myself to be and this evening I'm positive I experienced one of the most spiritual things I ever have.

As a child, I was always an attention seeker and loved singing for others. As I grew up, I developed a pretty good singing voice which my father loved. He came to all of my high school talent shows and constantly asked me to sing for him. Ever since his passing, whenever I sing in my car, a part of me feels as though he's listening. (In order for you to understand the story, I must also explain a small problem my car experienced a few months ago) A small glitch in my car lighting system occurred. The small light on my dashboard constantly lit up expressing that all the doors had not been shut properly. After months of closing and re-closing every door (and my trunk) I decided to change the ceiling light to the off setting rather than having it stay on constantly every time I climbed into my car. This evening as I was driving home from a friends house, my ipod shuffle setting rendered it to "Gardernia" by Mandy Moore, which I love singing along to. As the song came to an end, I approached a red light. As soon as I was completely stopped, the ceiling light of my car slowly lit up to an extreme brightness and then slowly dimmed shut. This may have been some weird car glitch I am unaware of, but the timing and the circumstances led me to believe he was right there with me. Needless to say, I started to cry immediately and told my mother the story, which she completely believed. I'm not one for believing in signs, but tonight, I am 100% sure my father was with me. I wish I could feel the way I felt tonight, everyday.

I miss you so much daddy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I haven't been feeling much like myself this week, especially this weekend. I'm not sure why, but i'm hoping its just due to pms (sorry if that's too much info, I sound like christina d now lol) anywho, I felt some surge of motivation when I wrote my last post (what with my lists and all) but to be honest I got almost nothing done. My test is tomorrow and I am barely prepared.

Things kind of suck right now. 
Just wanted to say...

P.s I found this and it made me feel a tad better